诗词来 问答 高中 高考 表推测的情态动词考点专练
表推测的情态动词考点专练1. We ________ a worse day for the picnic — it rained nonstop. A. couldn’t pick B. couldn’t have pickedC. might not pick D. might not have picked2. If you’re not careful, you ________ get into even worse trouble. A. need B. can C. could D. must3. Don’t worry—they ________ to phone. A. can just forget B. could just forgetC. can have just forgotten D. could have just forgotten4. Somebody ________ the cage—the lion ________ on its own. A. must open, couldn’t escape B. must open, couldn’t have escapedC. must have opened, couldn’t escapeD. must have opened, couldn’t have escaped5. That car nearly hit me; I ________. A. might be killed B. might have been killedC. may be killed D. may have been killed6. “________ I sign this?” “No, there’s no need.”A. Can B. May C. Must D. Might7. Their answers are exactly the same — one of them ________ from the other. A. must copy B. must have copiedC. could copy D. should have copied8. It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it ________ be rather cold sometimes. A. must B. can C. should D. would9. Liza ________ well not want to go on the trip—she hates traveling. A. will B. can C. must D. may10. Thank you for all your hard work last week. I don’t think we ________ it without you. A. can manage B. could have managedC. could manage D. can have managed11. Although this ________ sound like a simple task, great care is needed. A. must B. may C. shall D. should12. You ________ be hungry already—you had lunch only two hours ago! A. wouldn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t[1][2]下一页 说明:引用此文请注明出处,并请保留该文章链接地址,谢谢~~【答案与解析】1. B。根据句中的it rained nonstop可知,说话人是对过去的情况进行评说,所以要用“情态动词+完成式”的结构;再根据句意,此处应用couldn’t,而不是用might not。2. C。could在此表推测,意为“可能”。虽然can和should也可表推测,但前者主要用于否定句或疑问句,一般不用于肯定句;而后者由于语气太强(过于肯定),在此与语境不符。3. D。could在此表推测,意为“可能”。虽然can也可表示推测,但由于它通常不用于肯定句,所以被排除。注意,此处要选D而不选B,因为它是表示对过去情况的推测,即“过去”他们忘记打电话,所以导致大家现在很着急。4. D。第一空填must have opened,表示对过去情况有把握的肯定推测,其意指一定发生了某情况;第二空填couldn’t have escaped,表示对过去情况的否定推测,其意指不可能发生了某情况。全句意为:一定是有人打开了笼子——因为狮子是不可能自己跑出来的。5. B。根据前面一句的过去时谓语可知,此处谈的是过去情况,所以选might have been killed,表示过去可能发生而实际上没有发生的情况,注意此时不能用may接完成式来表示,所以不能选D。6. C。根据答语No, there’s no need可知,空格处应填must,意思才通顺。7. B。根据句意可知,两者的答案完全一样,说明肯定有一个人抄袭了另一个人的;另外,从时间上看,肯定是先有抄袭的行为,后才有答案一样的结果,所以此处用“must+完成式”的结构。8. B。can表示推测时通常只用于否定句或疑问句,很少用于肯定句。但有两种情况是例外(即可用于肯定句):一是表示纯理论上的可能性,二是表示“有时”。如:Even experienced teachers can make mistakes. 即使是有经验的教师也可能出错。She can be very unpleasant. 她有时很令人讨厌。9. D。may和might后可接副词well加强语气,意为“很可能”。如:It may well be true. 那很可能是真的。 He may [might] well find that the course is too difficult. 他很可能觉得这门课太难。10. B。由于是谈论上周的情况,所以空格处应用“情态动词+完成式”,故可排除A和C;又因为can表推测时通常只用于否定句或疑问句,一般不用于肯定句,故可排除D。注意:can表推测时不用于肯定句,但could可以。又如:I could have lent you the money. Why didn’t you ask me? 我本来可以借这笔钱给你的。你为什么不向我提出呢? 11. B。may在此表推测,意为“可能”,又如:It may sound strange, but it’s true. 这件事可能听起来很怪,但它是真的。12. B。做此题关键是要注意破折号后面的语境。you had lunch only two hours ago的意思是“你两个小时前才吃过中饭”,据此可知,你现在“不可能”就饿了,故用can’t。 上一页[1][2] 说明:引用此文